Growing Up X: Beverly Nostalgia and Generation X
Opening February 15
To those born between 1965 and 1980, there is a deep sense of nostalgia when you mention the Roller Palace, Carmello’s Pizza, and Oh Busters! Generation X is also known as the “MTV Generation,” the “Latchkey Generation,” and the “Forgotten Generation.” This fun exhibition explores the politics, business, entertainment, and cultural touchstones surrounding Gen Xers in their childhood. Museum visitors will see items familiar to anyone who grew up in the late 60s through the 1980s. Be prepared to go back in time to enjoy the Beverly you love! On view through June 28, 2025
Set at Liberty: Stories of the Enslaved People in a New England Town
On view now at the Cabot House
Remarkably, some of the stories of Beverly’s black population have been preserved and can be found at Historic Beverly. These are stories of citizens, black and white, battling against the unjust system of slavery; of enslaved men fighting for freedom for our nation, though not free themselves; of a woman using the law to emancipate her family; and of the racism that affected the lives of Beverly’s black population, long after they were freed from bondage. This exhibit is generously funded by the Cummings Foundation.
Painting of Juno Larcom by Gayle Kabaker
Beverly: An American Story
Open Now!
The American Story is a broad term that can refer to many things, including the history of the United States, the values and ideals that define the country, and the stories of its people. The purpose of Beverly: An American Story is to serve as a unifying force for Beverly residents by providing a shared narrative and identity through stories from our city’s long history. The American Story can inspire people to work together to achieve common goals and overcome challenges, and it can help people understand their place in the world and their role in shaping the future. We hope that you will come to be inspired and leave with a greater perspective for a bright tomorrow.
Balch Family History Through Time and Trash
Have you heard the expression, “one person’s trash is another person’s treasure”? Balch Family History Through Time and Trash is a presentation of the treasures found in the trash of the Balch family. Launched to celebrate Massachusetts Archaeology Month, this new online exhibit explores the 1998 excavation performed at the Balch House. Through items found during the dig, the history of the family can be explored to determine who was living on the premises, what they were using, when they were using it, and how they were obtaining it.
Explore the History
The Hale Farm: A Visual History
Step back in time with this visual chronology of the Hale House history. Images dating back to the early days of photography, through the present day tell the story of just a fraction of the property’s 329 years.
Ongoing at Hale Farm
Set at Liberty
Stories of the Enslaved People in a New England Town
Remarkably, some of the stories of Beverly’s black population have been preserved and can be found at Historic Beverly. These are stories of citizens, black and white, battling against the unjust system of slavery; of enslaved men fighting for freedom for our nation, though not free themselves; of a woman using the law to emancipate her family; and of the racism that affected the lives of Beverly’s black population, long after they were freed from bondage.
The online exhibit presents these accounts using the archives of the Historic Beverly collection and is supported in part by a grant from the Beverly Cultural Council, a local agency that is supported by the Mass Cultural Council, a state agency.
View the Exhibit