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Patron Event: Lunch and Tour of Beverly FEMA Site
August 24, 2021 @ 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm

Most of us remember the tragic events that occurred twenty years ago on September 11, 2001; but you may not be aware of the significant role played by Beverly’s first responders. We are proud to partner with BevCam and FEMA’s Task Force I Urban Search and Rescue to present “Beverly Never Forgets: the 20th Anniversary of September 11.” Task Force I was the first Federal Urban Search & Rescue Team to arrive at Ground Zero. A public open house and remembrance-day will be held at their site on Saturday, September 11, 2021, and we will publish several articles about the Federal Emergency Management Association’s facility located adjacent to Beverly Airport in the weeks leading up to that day.
We are offering a special Benefactor/Patron luncheon and tour of FEMA’s site on Tuesday, August 24, 12-2:00 pm. Following a catered lunch, site director Mark Foster will lead us on a guided tour of the site and the team’s mission. This special tour will not be repeated during the public event; it is being offered only to a select group of Historic Beverly members.
Although the event is FREE, participation is limited to 25 people and pre-registration is required.
Please contact Sue Goganian at 978-922-1186 x 204 or sgoganian@historicbeverly.net to reserve your place. Not a member yet? Join here.